- Talisker
- Sandales
- Weather Vane - Rotating Sky
- Granny Smith
- Tribute to Archimboldo - Anaglyph
- Seine en scène
- Two towers
- The fool on the hill
- L'homme et les oiseaux blancs
- Canal falls in Bruges
- Elegant Scarecrow
- Europa Lagoon
- Cargo
- Lenin Beach - Stranded Wreck Concept
- Scala infinita - Infinite stairway
- Apples
- Chablis - Midnight in the old town (animation)
- Lightness
- Industrialisation - Phase 01
- Musica
- Scrittore-v2.0
- Ephémère - v.02
- Ephémère - v.01
- Anas platyrhynchos - Turbo version
- Bentley
- Morgan RB
- Conscientia
- Gothic
- William v3.x
- Pier next to the Oban Distillery
- Saison migratoire 3.0
- Public email box - Harcourt style
- Sunrise
- The Chicken Killer